You don't have to go for the 3D one. 2D is good enough. It begins with Digg, the German Shepherd who works as a police dog, got suspended for awhile and locked up in a cage for his rash behavior. It was from there that he got recruited to a dog world unit that were in force to hunt for kitty galore. Kitty galore became hairless because he fell into a tub of hair-remover cream and what thrown out of home by his owner. From there, he decided to take revenge on humans and dogs. To find Kitty galore, the tip was to hunt for the pigeon first as it has most of the information on where to find kitty. While hunting for the dogs were hunting for the pigeon, they met with Christine, a cat whom is also hunting for the pigeon. They realized that the cat was harmless and the only way to find kitty and stop it from its K9 reaction, that would cause all dogs to turn against their owners, were to work together. Kitty galore's owner was a circus entertainer that often dress it up with different furry suits. She was finally dressed up by getting spinned a candy floss maker. Her assistant, was actually a robot cat which she built.
My favorite character is the pigeon, named Seamus.
Mainly for animal lovers. You're not one. Don't bother, you might not enjoy it. Full marks for creativity and intelligent jokes but in compared to recently dog show, Marmaduke. Marmaduke, scores better with animal lovers. Honestly, 2.5/5.
What's your best animal show? I think mine's Marley and me.
How many of you are as blur after the movie as me?
Here is a list of things to prepare you to cope watching it.
Firstly, if you're not a fan of Japanese culture, be prepared for culture shock. -Colourful and weird dress code and extreme emotions display (from guys). -thats considered acceptable by them. For e.g. the place of battle is call Garden of Eden and it is really colourful in a fake way. Yucks. "The prize for winning the battle is 10million!" In responds to that, one fool would scream Wahhhhhh!!!! really loudly and raised his arms in the air and shake it like having fits. And his hair (Yes a is a guy) like a bowl shape long haircut and he can show it off by turning left and right to let it sway proudly. That's too gross for me but I watched it for the plot. The culture pissed me off.
Secondly, watch the movie with a notebook and a pen to jot down long list of complicated rules of the game. Thirdly, if someone says yes, he may actually mean no, or he may mean maybe. - Here is what I mean: If I say I just voted for a red, that may meant that I voted for gold or silver for most of the time. AND to make it more confusing, I might not even vote it with my own name. AND I might see a message somewhere that tells me to change my vote at the very last minute. To help you with the movie, NO ONE will be voting for all red except for the very last round, which is 13.
Forthly concentrate on the case. The purpose of it is to solve who the traitor amongst them is, known as person X. Nao is in the finals because she knows how to act naive and that makes people believe her.
In comparison to the recent film TEKKEN, this movie is like a wrestling battle throughout from start till end, but it is of the mind instead of physical fighting. There should be some emotional love scenes between Nao and Akiyama. Due to that lack, I'll rate 3/5. Full marks for plot and thats all. And yes, by the way, don't expect good acting. Its quite bad. I feel like giving 2.8/5 now. But still, Recommended to watch, especially for thinkers and mystery lovers not for couples to watch together.
Drew Barrymore and Justin Long should be nominated for best reel couple inspired by themselves in real life. But are there better reel-real couples around? This is film basically speaks about a typical problem an American or maybe many others around might face; which whether to get together with someone from a different country, state or timezone. So Drew, plays as a girl living in the west coast of USA, which is California and Justin lives in the east, which is new york. Its takes 5 hours to fly from east to west of US an time the difference is about 3 hours. If you have been in a long distance relationship before, this is a really good movie that expresses it and helps you identify with the situation u have been in or is going through right now. Drew met Justin in a bar while she was doing an intern at NY. They hang out together and build their relationship throughout Drew's stay in NY for 6 weeks but it all had to come to an end when she has to fly back to Cali. So how did they manage the relationship? They tried phone sex. They got frustrated on who wants to be on top and whether is it in the plane or in the car. Just when you thought the show would end with them breaking up, Justin moves to LA which is just north of Cali and thats when they both start seeing each other again. That took 6 months.
Why should you watch it: 1) A must watch for those who have/are experienced/experiencing long distance relationship 2) Just look at the wonderful chemistry Justin and Drew have in their acting. Its natural. I don't think any acting was involved. 4/5 for that. 3) Couples that wana relax and feel love again.
Why is it M18. 1) You will hear vulgarities, as usual. Its American movie. 2) You'll see Justin using his hands to cover his crouch with the rest of his body unclothed. He was trying to do an indoor sunscreen for the first time. 3) You'll see Justin's bare back body in a making out position with Drew. 4) Phone sex issue.
What so funny about the show: 1) Jason Sudeikis, playing the supporting actor roles, were trying to prove themselves that by having the mustache they could attract older ladies, 40-60 in the club for older singles. 2) Charlie Day disturbing Drew and Justin promptly with music and eve dropping on them while they are trying to get intimate. Like the kind you seen in the trailer. 3) Justin whom have yet to be introduced to Drew's family, was caught making out with Drew the moment they stepped into Drew's home. 4) The only funny one which was not captured in the trailer: Justin being on the first time to an indoor sunscreen and he doesn't know whether to put on the gorgles or remove his underwear so when the spray started, it was like spraying at his mouth and he was kinda like tasting the chemicals and placing one hand on his crouch and the other on this butt. He had to explained to Drew's sister that that was his hand print on his bare butt and not someone else. Because Drew's sister caught them making out and she saw the print. - Honestly, I felt it could get alittle more creative with the comical parts.
Recommended for couples. 3.8/5. I could rate it 4. But some draggy parts made me drop alittle lower. And, the scenes you thought was funny in the trailer is what you're gona see in the movie. To me, that's alittle negative. so maybe 3.7 now? Observe Drew's acting skills. She's good.
Really hilarious french movie! It about a dad who wants to break a daughter's marriage in 10 days by hiring a professional heart breaker. 3.5/5. Recommended!
Warning, this Italian film has some gruesome scenes!!
You'll see Noomi Rapace, the starring actress doing a live tattoo scene on a man's belly and the phrase will go: I AM A SADISTIC PIG AND A RAPIST. You'll see pictures of body parts being burned up.
She had a guardian who controlled her money account and when she wanted money, she would have to give him an oral sex or let him touch her first, or else he would threaten to report about her mental illness which I don't know if she really had. She doesn't seem to have. There was once where he handcuffed her to the bed and tied her legs and fucked her for pleasure. She gave him a revenge by coming back the next time, drugged him, strip him and tie him up, stuck a cucumber like item into his ass and did the tattoo on him. But when you watch that part, just tell yourself, its just a movie. So.. everything's fake. She works with a guy to figure out the mystery of a series of missing girl.
If you wana know why its R21, its just because of 1 particular scene, where her flat boobs were shown and there were few scenes of sexual actions and of course the gruesome scenes. The title is just to describe her as a tough person and brand the movie to sound extract. There is no secret or reason behind the dragon tattoo. The only one I can think of is that physical image printed on her back.
More series of movie by this author: Stieg Larsson coming out soon. The girl with girl who played with fire: 16/9/10
Firstly, this is not street dance. Don't be confused with the two movies.
Similar to street dance, this movie has a great showcase of dance moves all the way from the beginning till the end. However in my opinion, I think street dance was more creative in being able to put the same art of different genre together. This movie begins with an interview with a few dancers. These short interviews were actually put up by Luke who not only has interest in dance but film making as well. He usually goes around with a camera in a dance club, filming people's dance moves and recruiting those that impress him from the public. Natalie, not only caught his attention with her dance moves, but caught his heart. Unfortunately, she was the sister of one of an ex dance member from Luke's dance group, the pirates. However she does not know about it and ran away from the group and Luke when she found out. Luke suspected that Natalie was the one that leaked out the dance moves to other people. Things began to resolve when Natalie found out that her brother was jealous with the group and bought over the pirate's dancing space. The pirates had to compete with Natalie's brother's group in a dance competition and win them in order to get their dancing space back. Natalie realized the greed from her brother and decides to help Luke win the competition by dancing for them. I'm sorry, but my job is to spill out the movie details for you who haven't watch it. In the end, the group won and they both flew to California and study in the same university to fulfill their dream.
The 3D effect in this movie is much better than Street Dance. The dancers do pop out right into your eyes. Do make it your first choice to watch it this weekend. Rate: 3.8/5
Only recommended if you have watched everything else in the cinemas.
I agree with all reviews around. So far no one has rated well for this film. It was filmed in 20 days and a total of 800K budget. The film should have shown more of the construction work site, similar to the television series. For example, scenes in PCK's office and in his luxurious home. Where is Margret, Aloysius and Chu beng? They are all part of the family. If anyone out there reading this and disagree with all the reviews slamming it, then tell me, how do I appreciate the lameness that is going on in the movie. I hope there will be a remake of this film. The humor were all outdated. Even the cast were speaking english, but subtitled in english were still needed. Translation from singlish to english. It's not even satisfying to watch even if its free.
1.5/5. Just don't watch it.
Movie notebook sales here:
Angelina Jolie, singly handed the role of a guy well in this film. Fast pace moving from beginning to end all packed within 100 minutes and yet it seems like a 2 hours film. Every other previews/reviews of the movie would give you the idea about her role as a Russian spy. Over here, I spoil the movie for you by giving you the details and here they are.
It begins with her clothed in lingerie being tortured in the Korean jail and was bail out by her husband. The film shows snap shots of how the Russians spies were trained from childhood to tolerate torture. Could elaboration on that make the film saltier? Maybe it could be another whole new movie. She takes on the challenge to escape from one dead end to another, from one mission to another flawlessly, almost as if the path was totally pathed for her. Maybe adding slightly more obstacles such as covering her head while on the drive in the police car would have put her in a more challenging position to escape. That could be saltier.
It was really salty to see that she finishes off dismissing her feelings towards seeing her husband killed in front of her. She kills without having regret almost without feelings. Impressive. I'm expecting a SALT 2, because the movie didn't finish off and she said she wants to have a revenge for her husband's murder. We'll see how salty the next movie could be.
This film lacks slightly in the emotional touching aspect that are appealing to girls. So its still a guy's film in a woman's body. Not recommended for first date movies. Overall, 4/5 star. I'm looking for saltier SALT 2.